Monday, 25 May 2009


To bring into or keep in equal or satisfying proportion or harmony.
1. a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc.
18. to bring to or hold in equilibrium; poise: to balance a book on one's head.
To bring into or maintain in a state of equilibrium.
To act as an equalizing weight or force to; counterbalance.
20. to be equal or proportionate to: One side of an equation must balance the other.
v. intr.
To be in or come into equilibrium.
To be equal or equivalent.
To sway or waver as if losing or regaining equilibrium.

mental and emotional steadiness
3. mental steadiness or emotional stability; habit of calm behavior, judgment, etc.
A stable mental or psychological state; emotional stability.
23. to estimate the relative weight or importance of; compare: to balance all the probabilities of a situation.
2. Act of weighing mentally; comparison; estimate.
4. The state of being in equipoise; equilibrium; even adjustment; steadiness.
7. the power or ability to decide an outcome by throwing one's strength, influence, support, or the like, to one side or the other.
The power or means to decide.
To compare by or as if by turning over in the mind: balanced the pros and cons before making a choice.
24. to serve as a counterpoise to; counterbalance; offset: The advantages more than balance the disadvantages.
28. to waver or hesitate:
31. on balance, considering all aspects

–verb (used without object)
A state of bodily equilibrium.
27. to reckon or adjust
A state of bodily equilibrium: thrown off balance by a gust of wind.
The ability to maintain bodily equilibrium: Gymnasts must have good balance.
25. Dance. to move in rhythm to and from: to balance one's partner.
To move toward and then away from (a dance partner).

A harmonious or satisfying arrangement or proportion of parts or elements, as in a design.
8. (in winemaking) the degree to which all the attributes of a wine are in harmony, with none either too prominent or deficient.
13. Fine Arts. composition or placement of elements of design, as figures, forms, or colors, in such a manner as to produce an aesthetically pleasing or harmoniously integrated whole.
19. to arrange, adjust, or proportion the parts of symmetrically.

A state of equilibrium or parity characterized by cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces.
The difference in magnitude between opposing forces or influences, such as for bodily parts or organs.
An influence or force tending to produce equilibrium; counterpoise.
Chemistry To bring (an equation) into balance.
Chemistry Equality of mass and net electric charge of reacting species on each side of an equation.
Equality of mass and net electric charge of reacting species on each side of a chemical equation.
To adjust a chemical equation so that the number of each type of atom and the total charge on the reactant (left-hand) side of the equation matches the number and charge on the product (right-hand) side of the equation.
Mathematics To bring (an equation) into balance.
Mathematics Equality with respect to the net number of reduced symbolic quantities on each side of an equation.
Equality of totals in the debit and credit sides of an account.
The difference between such totals, either on the credit or the debit side.


bal⋅an⋅cé  [bal-uhn-sey; Fr. ba-lahn-sey]
v. bal·anced, bal·anc·ing, bal·anc·es

[Middle English balaunce, from Old French, from Vulgar Latin *bilancia, having two scale pans, from Latin bilānx : bi-, two; see dwo- in Indo-European roots + lānx, scale.]
bal'ance·a·ble adj.

Friday, 8 May 2009

Wear and Tear

8:35am, and I settle into a bag of frozen peas on my left knee (meniscus sketchy at best). When I first began refereeing, I was told to do anything I could to speed recovery - massage, acupuncture, cold tank soaks, whatever. Now I understand!

For the past three years, my body has been used to pilates. I played a little bit of rugby last summer, but refereeing, even without the contact, is more physically demanding, maybe because of the huge mental component. I do sprint workouts now, and have decided that in addition to warming up at least twenty minutes before I get into the nitty-gritty, at least twenty minutes will be alotted for icing knees and feet. Ugh, I'm finally going to a podiatrist for my bunions and plantar fasciitis. I'm due for new running shoes and am done with my worn out cleats I bought for playing last summer. Another female ref up in DC (who is really into pedicures) strongly recommended turf shoes, so I'm gonna make sure the foot doctor lets me know exactly what size to get and all that. Like Lieutenant Dan said in Forrest Gump, "Take care of your feet". I'm starting to think that my bad left knee is causing my bad right hip.

All this stuff has to be addressed if I want to go as far as they say I can. God only gave me two legs to run with, two arms to signal with, an one mouth to manage and blow a whistle with, so I need to take care of them!

I'm getting older. This is another reminder. UGH! It's still pretty neat when other refs I meet at tournaments demand to see my driver's license because they don't believe I'm almost 30. I only have one hide of skin, too, and one set of eyeballs, gotta take care of those too.

As much as we all abuse our bodies for years on end, they still function. But I really want to see how well mine can perform if I treat it the best way I can. My life is ending one minute at a time, and I'm the same decaying organic matter as everything else, but I'm gonna try to maximize what I've got and leave the rest to my Maker.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

From Women Who Run With the Wolves

p 229

A woman's life may die away in the fire of self-hatred for complexes can bite hard and, at least for a time, successfully frighten her away from coming too near the work or life that matters to her. Many years are spent in not going, not moving, not learning, not finding out, not obtaining, not taking on, not becoming.

The vision a woman has for her own life can also be decimated in the flames of someone else's jealousy or someone's plain-out destructiveness toward her. Family, mentors, teachers, and friends are not supposed to be destructive if and when they feel envy, but some decidedly are, in both subtle and not-so-subtle ways. No woman can afford to let her creative life hang by a thread while she serves an antagonistic love relationship, parent, teacher, or friend. l

When the personal soul-life is burnt to ashes, a woman loses the vital treasure and begins to act dry-boned as Death. In her unconscious, the desire for the red shoes, a wild joy, not only continues, it swells and floods, and eventually staggers to its feet and takes over, ferocious and famished.

To be in the state of hambre del alma, a starved soul, is to be made relentlessly hungry. Then a woman burns with a hunger for anything that will make her feel alive again. A woman who has been captured knows no better, and will take something, anything, that seems similar to the original treasure, good or not. A woman who is starved for her real soullife may look "cleaned up and combed" on the outside, but on the inside she is filled with dozens of pleading hands and empty mouths.

In this state, she will take any food regardless of its condition or its effect, for she is trying to make up for past losses. Yet even though this is a terrible situation, the wild Self will try over and over again to save us. It whispers, whimpers, calls, drags our fleshless carcasses around in our nightdreams until we become conscious of our condition and take steps to reclaim the treasure.

We can better understand the woman who dives into excesses - the most common being drugs, alcohol, and bad love - and who is driven by soul-hunger by noting the behaviour of the starved and ravening animal. Like the starved soul, the wolf has been portrayed as vicious, ravenous, preying upon the innocent and the unguarded, killing to kill, never knowing when enough is enough. As you can see, the wolf has a very bad and unearned fairy-tale and real-life reputation. In actuality, wolves are dedicated social creatures. The entire pack is instinctively organized so healthy wolves kill only what is needed for survival. Only when there is trauma to an individual wolf or to the pack does this normal pattern loosen or change.

There are two instances in which a wolf kills excessively. In both, the wolf is not well. A wolf may kill indiscriminately when it is ill with rabies or distemper. A wolf may kill excessively after a period of famine. The idea that famine can alter the behaviour of creatures is quite significant for soul-starved women because nine times out of ten a woman with a spiritual/psychological problem that causes her to fall in top traps and be badly hurt is a woman who is currently being or has been critically soul-starved.

Among wolves, famine occurs when snows are high and game is impossible to reach. Deer and caribou act as snowplows; wolves follow their paths through the high snow. When the deer are stranded by high snowfalls, no plowing occurs; then the wolves are stranded too. Famine ensues. For wolves the most dangerous time for famine is winter. For woman, a famine may occur at any time, and can come from anywhere, including her own culture.

For the wolf, famine usually ends in springtime when the snows begin to melt. Following a famine, the pack may throw itself into a killing frenzy. Its members won't eat most of the game they kill, and they won't cashe it. They leave it. They kill much more thaan they could ever eat, much more than they could ever need. A similar process occurs when a woman's been captured and starved. Suddenly free to go, to do, to be, she is in danger of going on a rampage of excesses too...and feels justified about it. The girl in the fairy tale, too, feel justified in gaining access to the poisonous red shoes at any cost. There is something about famine that causes judgement to be blighted.

So when the treasure of a woman's most soulful life has been burned to ashes, instead of being driven by anticipation, a woman is possessed by voraciousness. So, for instance, if a woman wasn't permitted to sculpt, she may suddenly begin to sculpt day and night, lose sleep, deprive her innocent body of nutrition, impair her health, and who knows what else. Maybe she cannot stay awake a moment longer; ah, reach for the drugs....for who knows how long she will be free.

Hambre del alma is also about starvation of the soul's attributes: creativity, sensory awareness, and other instinctual gifts. If a woman is supposed to be a lady who sits with her knees kissing only each other, if she was raised to keel over in the presence of rough language, if she was never allowed anything to drink but pasteurized milk... then when she is freed, look out! Suddenly she may not be able to drink enough of those sloe-gin fizzes, she may sprawl like a drunken sailor, and her language will peel the paint off the walls. After famine, there is a fear one will again be captured someday. So one gets while the getting is good.

Overkill through excesses, or excessive behaviors, is acted out by women who are famished for a life that has meaning and makes sense for theem. When a woman has gone without her cycles or creative needs for long periods of time, she begins a rampage of - you name it - alcohol, drugs, anger, spirituality, oppression of others, promiscuity, pregnancy, study, creation, control, education, orderliness, body fitness, junk food, to name a few areas of common excesses. When women do this, they are compensating for the loss of regular cycles of self- expression, soul-expression, soul-satiation.

The starving woman endures famine after famine. She may plan her escape, yet believe that the cost of fleeing is too high, that it will cost her too much libido, too much energy. She may be ill-prepared in other ways too, such as educationally, economically, spiritually. Unfortunately, the loss of treasure and the deep memory of famine may cause us to rationalize that excesses are desirable. And it is, of course, such a relief and a pleasure to finally be aable to enjoy sensation... any sensation.

A woman newly free from famine just wants to enjoy life for a change. Her dulled perceptions about the emotional, rational, physical, spiritual, and financial boundaries required for survival endanger her instead. For her there is a pair of poisonous red shoes glowing out there somewhere. She will take them wherever she finds them. That is the trouble with famine. If something looks like it will fill the yearning, a woman will seize it, no questions asked.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Conscious Choices

I asked someone for advice once, and she said many things but concluded the matter with, "Make Conscious Choices".

That's been rolling around in my mind for some time since, and it sort of hit me tonight. This wasn't some abstract, out there concept, something to strive for. No, it can be practiced every day. If you're passive about your life, your life passes you by.

I have trouble sleeping. Every night (tonight included!), I have the choice to go to bed on time and go through a proper ritual that is conducive to a quick drift off. I haven't been doing that. Sometimes I don't know when to stop - the vanilla yogurt I made tonight, with bananas, strawberries, lime and walnuts? I didn't have to eat the whole thing. I put it away in a smaller bowl. Reading the Bible over cereal and coffee in the morning sunlight like I used to do? I can choose to do that again rather than zone out to the news like I started doing after moved. I'd had a good habit of starting the day with an exciting, drama-filled action story from the Old Testament! Getting up tomorrow to run sprints before work because I know I need to if I want to be the best referee I can be this summer? Lord willing, it'll happen if I decide to make it happen.

Today is The Day. Everyday can be, one day at a time. I can choose that. If I really want to do right by myself, love myself, and therefore be worth a crap to my neighbor by loving them the same way, I can choose to do it.

So, just to prove a point!, I'm signing off and getting in bed. Who am I kidding? I'm going to listen to the rest of this song first.