Monday, 4 June 2007

Why I Love Sister Mackie

Why I Love Miss Margaret/Official Lyric Change
6:26am Friday, May 25

We sat down in the parlor and I took up my guitar (Grace Martin). I was so excited to play my latest song for my favorite sister in Christ!
When I finished singing, “He’s Got My Heart”, she said, “I like that, it’s really cute, but I want you to change the part where you say ‘darn’. It was the first thing I heard and darn’s a bad word and I know you want to be pure and what not.”
I said, “Gosh, alright, how ‘bout ‘dern’?”
“No way, ‘dern’’s worse than ‘darn’! How bout “really good”? Play that.”
So I tried singing, “and that could be a really good start”, but it didn’t work.
“Well, let’s think about it and come up with something later.”
She said okay.
The next morning at breakfast I told her, “Miss Margaret, I came up with a line I think that fits: “and that could be a ‘mighty fine’ start”.
She said, “oh yeah, that’s much better, and it goes along with the language you use in the whole song, ya know, real local”.

So the chorus of “He’s Got My Heart” now official goes:

He’s got my heart (my whole heart) and nothing but my heart so help me God
He’s got my heart (my whole heart) and nothing but my heart so help me God
I love him from afar/But that could be a MIGHTY FINE start
He’s got my heart (my whole heart) and nothing but my heart so help me God.

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