Friday, 27 June 2008

I Am Truly An Artist:

I was just so focused I forgot to eat the dinner I'd just cooked!

1 comment:

Ugh said...

I'm looking around the room from my couch, the most awesome-ist of couches, given to me by Sister Waynel Teffertiller, wife of Ken T, former Ag school dean at UF (such beautiful people). I love to look out my big back window to see the sky and some clowds (I have an enclosed patio so no one can see that I park my bike back there! My poor plants, just scrapping by, darned lace mites! Okay okay, I'll get some sevin dust soon. There's a big retro lamp that Sister Becky Barclift gave me, and hanging from the ceiling are a Wandering Jew and Spider Plant. They need names. The chairs have names. Anyhow, There's music sheets all over the floor. Two TV tables covered with tiny cut-out pictures from magazines, open pocket knives, my mini Curious George spaceman lunchbox, collage glue and brushes. There's frames and more will-be-part-of-a-mosaic-someday cuttings in Thing 1 (cushy pink swivel chair Brother Catterton gave me!), a mandolin in Thing 2. My keyboard is up against the southwest wall, with the sheet music to Please Send Me Someone To Love up and ready to play. There's a Night Sky constellation map on the wall, a piece of art Audrey did for me (painting of mountain azaleas with the genus and species name in her cool script writing). The centerpiece of that wall is a big pink and bone canvas called Phlox, so special to us because our Papa taught us to pick them and admire the beauty in the variety expressed in that flower. There's a smaller framed embroidery my sweet as molasis little sistor Emmy Lou gave me for Christmas. It says,

For flowers that bloom at our feet,
For song of bird and hum of bee,
Father in Heaven we thank thee.

The TV is below that (I have Poncho Villa candles on the same table, like the Catholic candles in those tall skinny glass tubes, and this fabulous corner table Aunt Lila gave me, on which I have a photo of my daddy holding me days after birth, a wine bottle with a drippy candle in it, my crystal tip jar (also from Aunt Lila), and a yard sale lamp (that looks like fish scales!) I got with Miss Margaret last spring.
To the right of it is where all the magic happens in this house: the kitchen! On the wall above the space behind the cabinets I have my mandolin case hanging (both sides of the original cardboard box the instrument came in when Daddy bought it for me, which I collaged my first week of grad school in Pembroke while glued to Hurricane Katrina coverage.
That's all I can see from here. I'd have to turn my head too far to see anything else. :)