Thursday, 31 December 2009

Bye Bye, 2009! (Good Riddance)

It wasn't that bad. Could've been 2008!!

Just wrote and deleted two paragraphs that detailed my "love" life and career "milestones" over the past year, but thought better of sharing that stuff, haha. Don't want to incriminate myself! This Internet is a big cloud hanging over all of us, recording everything we do that will inevitably be embarrassing in some way someday. I've learned that lesson the hard way myself, and now they have Public Service Announcements warning young kids to "Think Before You Post". Very sage advise in this new age of overexposure.

The good news is I don't live in fear of myself or anyone else anymore. I have faith in a God who loves me, wonderful family and friends I'd die for, I have enough to eat, there's a roof over my head, and I'm free to express myself and pursuit my interests. Very blessed am I. Turning 30 wasn't crippling at all!

New Year's Resolution for 2010? I want it to be something concrete: get at least eight hours of sleep per night, work out every single day, pray at least five times a day for other people. Those are all good things. Starting over doesn't have to start tomorrow, though, it can be NOW, whenever that is.

Tuesday, 15 December 2009


Let me get this straight.

Tradition requires a man to bribe a woman with a diamond to get her to marry him and be his house slave and progeny vessel. His love is obviously measured by the size of the diamond he's willing to put on his credit card.
She wants a diamond to show off that she was finally bought by her "soulmate". She'll whine and nag until she gets this "symbol of love", which only shows that he's finally given up his freedom for the security of convention.

Call me cynical, but ain't nobody buying me with no rock.

Thursday, 3 December 2009


So I'll Just Smile? Be Blank-Hearted? Cool. Still want to write songs though. I feel like I'm at a crossroads with my writing. Beginning to think that pruning back much of my emotional self will end up yielding more quality fruit, far removed from the same old naval-gazing unrequited love garbage. Stuff about LIFE - people I saw on the train, the kindness of strangers, the big circling balance of it all. I just want to grow up and out of the same of stuff. Blank-Hearted seems like the end of a dark tunnel that was difficult to navigate but has a door at the end waiting for me to walk through with a new gait, with new eyes, to find myself under new skies.

What other emotions compel me to write besides yearning, rejection, disappointment, boys (a synonym to all aforementioned), etc. All negative subjects! No longer choosing to engage myself in a one-sided relationship, so I don't have to keep going around with a perpetual sense of being dismissed, positioning myself to always be in a state of rejection, feeling less than worthy, as if I were the broken one. What was the attraction to this method in the first place? Did I just like the drama of doing the same silly crush business over and over, never getting anywhere and not really wanting to? Did I use and abuse them just to make a muse of them?

Why wouldn't I write about God? God is love. He is everything I CAN have, always there, always the same, never disappointing, and I don't have to fear rejection. What isn't inspiring about that? What's holding me back from walking on the sunny side? I want to! I like it a lot better! I'm not the first artist to say that my best stuff comes from pain, but there's got to be another way.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

"About Me"

Wrote this for my facebook profile but it seems too lame to actually have it on my profile, so why not here? I can be as lame as I want on my blog that no one reads!!!

This came to me because I'm 80% finished with my anthem, "Blank-Hearted". I'm trying to stick to my guns with the concept, but my doctor said it isn't realistic. Whatever. The song will be the song, but this is the truth:

My heart isn't blank, but it isn't broken either.
I've never seen true love, but I am a believer.
If that's the way I am, then that's the way I will be.
I surrender to the war that's been raging in me.
What I seek is unattainable and defeating;
My heart will be blank when it is no longer beating.
I will never be perfect, but will always be free.
I am wholly, and will forever only be, Me.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Didn't Make the Cut

It's easy to write songs about boys and relationships and heartache and all that jazz. There have been some good ones and bad ones and ones I really dug and ones who were eh. A couple of the ones I was eh about made it into a song, and a few of the ones I really pined away for never got a song. It's weird.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Lightnin' Salvage gig

Played at that adorable venue behind Satchel's this past Thursday. I love that place. It was easily the best gig I've done, ever. So much fun, so relaxed, had great friends and family there, obviously the food was amazing, etc.

The best thing was debuting new songs. Three in particular: But You Were But A Dream, I'll Just Smile, and Blank-Hearted.

I first wrote the lyrics for YWBAD (haha, cool acronym) on January 6, 2006 about no one in particular. The melody and the arrangement took a while and it was a challenge to craft it and get it just right because it's one of those songs I feel is beyond my capacity to write. So basically it's a gift. It's on piano and is so gut-wrenching with its forlorn heartache! I love it!

Blank-Hearted I was nervous about. The lyrics are posted here and it still isn't quite done, but I wasn't sure if anyone would understand, but a guy said he liked it! And hearing it over the PA and just how powerful it feels to sing something I feel strongly about is pretty neat. Even though my shrink says the concept isn't realistic, I think it's my new anthem. =)

I'll Just Smile is only two weeks old. It wrote itself on my way home from Raleigh on 10/25/09 about a friend of mine I've had a mild crush on for about a year now. It's purdy. :) Not a ballad, not really a love song, but writing it helped me better understand the way I relate to this kid and organize my thoughts about the (non)situation. No big deal - it isn't really finished either, but here's what I have so far:

The thought of you amuses me in a smile-inside-my-heart kind of way
And you may never be mine someday
But I'm just glad that you are being you
Out there, somewhere, today

This feeling I have inside of me will stay hidden away as time goes by
But I optimistically believe
That you may be just as sweet on me
But also just as shy

It just feels good to know you, I'm happy just saying hello
I'm not sure how to show you what I think you already know
So I'll just smile

It was a great time and a perfect opportunity to share my new stuff with a crowd and they seemed to go over pretty well! God gave me one of the best gifts in the world and it's such a privilege to share it with other people.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Heroic Parents

Reading the Alligator the other day I saw in the Classifieds that some cat-lover organization needed someone to drive cats to Gainesville from Old Town to get spayed/neutered and bring them back. Since my dad, a cat lover himself, lives in Suwannee I sent him an email letting him know about it and who to call and so forth. He called me later that afternoon and said, "Well, I called the cat people and they think I'm a hero." I was really proud of him for doing something unselfish and charitable that would give him an excuse to come see my sister and me.

Then I thought about my mom. She single-handedly took care of my ailing aunt Linda, after not being at all close to her for the last 30 years. Mom saw her younger sister die of Lou Gehrig's disease, and all the while, 24 HOURS A DAY, fed her, gave her medicine regularly, bathed her, her helped her use the bathroom, let her keep the thermostat at 73 degrees, watched only the TV shows Linda wanted to watch, got her in and out of her chair and bed, etc. THAT was heroic. Mom showed her true colors, a heart of solid gold. I'm still in awe of the patience and compassion she displayed through the whole ordeal and am inspired by the way her faith was strengthened throughout the trial.

Sorry Dad, but Mom wins this one.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

What's In My Name?

Name Haylee

Gender female

Origin Old English

Meaning "from the hay meadow"

ugh  [oothinsp.pngkh, uhkh, uh, oo; spelling pron. uhg]



(used as an exclamation expressing disgust, aversion, horror, or the like).



the sound of a cough, grunt, or the like.

Word Origin & History


1765, imitative of the sound of a cough; as an interjection of disgust, recorded from 1837.

Definitions of slaughter
v. t. - The act of killing. 2
v. t. - The extensive, violent, bloody, or wanton destruction of life; carnage. 2
v. t. - The act of killing cattle or other beasts for market. 2
v. t. - To visit with great destruction of life; to kill; to slay in battle. 2
v. t. - To butcher; to kill for the market, as beasts.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009


It occurred to me the other day that "What if?" is one of the most useless questions ever. But I thought about it a little bit longer and figured it had to be valid since it's so cliche. Maybe it could help one prevent repeating past errors, if it doesn't lure one into living in the past.

So I did a little research, and turned a corner when I found this. "IF" all by itself is a pretty big word, and this poem reminds me of all the important things I need to remember when I'm brought down by "the emotionless mediocrity of day-to-day living". (from 'Living Life' by Daniel Johnston).

If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

by Rudyard Kipling

Sunday, 18 October 2009

healthy, happy truth

What I seek is unattainable and defeating;
My heart will be blank when it stops beating.

It isn't exactly blank, but it isn't broken either.
I've never seen true love, but I am a believer.
If that's the way I am, that's the way I'll be.
I surrender to the war that's been raging in me.

I will never be perfect.

No feeling is right or wrong, and I can't choose how I feel. It's what I decide to do about the feeling that is important. There are no right or wrong choices; what matters is that I am the one making the choice. If the result of that choice is undesirable, I will choose a different path the next time around. But God help me own my choices, and may those choices be made consciously.


Wednesday, 14 October 2009

sick sad truth

all my stories end the same
I'm alone and I'm ashamed
Someone else is hurt and I'm to blame
If I was so in love with what's-his-name
Why'd I play my same old game?
But I don't know what I can do to change

I set myself up to fall
they're all a waste of time
I feel bored without the drama
of 2 or 3 on my mind
All confusion, no conclusions
from the choices that I make
My heart won't ever heal when I'm the one
who loves to see it break

Monday, 5 October 2009


So I've been working on this song since September 6th. I was dog-sitting for Kerri and Lori and just started jamming in drop-D and came up with this driving head-bobbing rock stuff. Then later I was mowing their backyard and I started belting out the melody with these words.

It's an aspiration, because I'm not sure if it's entirely possible. The last I recall going a significant period of time without any sort of crush was 3rd grade. Apparently my emotional hands hate being empty, because I've always seemed to need someone to hold on to.

It'll be difficult getting it just right, describing what I really mean, because I have a hard time wrapping my own mind around the concept, but this is what I have so far:

is better than broken-hearted to me
To be blank-hearted is to be free

Oh I have loved and lost, so I know it's worth the cost
But I need a break from love for a while
Don't think I'm making this up,
It's not that I'm giving up,
But I don't need romance to make me smile.

is better than broken-hearted any day
If I were blank-hearted, I wouldn't give my power away

Wanna break the fixation, I'm done with the frustration,
I'm not losing sleep at night on the phone
I have willful determination for non-affiliation
And an inner glow from being on my own

My sought-after rarity is emotional clarity
A clean slate, a heart without scars
Won't settle for familiarity
Or a life spent writing forlorn memoirs

Just be free
Just be me
A fresh start
With my blank heart

c2009 Haylee Slaughter Music

Friday, 25 September 2009


We were dear friends way back then. He was dating a friend of mine and we became buds at some debutante function in Jacksonville and then hung out more in earnest when I was living in Chapel Hill and Raleigh. There was one summer we tore it up and kicked it all the time. He was torn up over some J girl and I was mourning some C boy and so we had a reason to sit on the porch of Los Pos' on Rosemary Street and eat our enchiladas in the silence of understanding.

There was this weirdness once, I was playing my regular gig at Pasta Bella a couple nights after I finished my master's and had some revelations surrounding the pervert producer I'd been working with on a new record. I must've been ovulating or something, but my hair was down, and iii was there and he had that Look. The Look you get from dudes who fall victim to the siren effect, bless their hearts. It's not something I aim for, it just happens and I know the Look when I see it. So anyways, later that night we were at Goodfellows and he kissed me and it was weird and I made excuses as to why we couldn't evolve (his ex-mutual friend of mine was my first reason). Haha, so he calls me the next day (my phone accidentally recorded it so listened to it over and over for years!) and he's all "hey how're you doing?" and I said "I'm doing well, ya know..." and he interrupts me and blurts out, "Hey why'd we make out last night?" and I'm all uh "I don't know man, it was your idea!!". So funny! So we were alright and it wasn't that big a deal. It was just funny we'd been so dumb.

I think it was after this, we'd had an angry whiskey-pounding night. I mean we were bitterly broken-hearted, suffering it through together. Well I felt like fighting or having someone beat me up so I talked him into a Fight Club sort of thing. We went out in to the alley behind Goodfellows and had a few swings for a couple seconds, nothing too major but still satisfying, until he dropped me on my elbow. That sucked. And I was like, "Oww man, I'm hungry!". So we walked up the hill to Hector's for burgers. Mmmmm.

Well, he was leaving a few months later for his first big boy job out of college at Carolina, so for whatever reason I started thinking that him and me together made perfect sense. He'd been off and on with some ho we'll call Maria that none of his other friends liked (you know how that goes). It was dumb. I think I wanted to feel that way about somebody and he seemed logical and safe, but of course after he got up to DC he was cool enough to reject me straight up and say he'd rather be with her, which was aight. We're still buds.

I think it was after a long while that he'd been up in DC learning Arabic or something at Georgetown that he finally came home to Raleigh to visit. He came out to meet me in his driveway, and he lived in a bunch of woods off the road. We stood out in the driveway shooting baskets for no less than an hour, just talking. We were surrounded by the most brilliant display of North Carolina in the autumn - oranges, yellows, bright red, it was surreal but fitting. I'll never forget that afternoon.

Now, we aren't as close as we used to be. Wish we could talk more but he works on the other side of the world half the time and we both have our different lives. iii is just another very special guy friend who has graced my life (Bill Cape would be a comparable example) and I miss his company.

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

09/2/09 Quote of the Day

"All that is necessary to break the spell of inertia and frustration is this: Act as if it were impossible to fail."
Dorothea Brande

About Dorothea Brande

Dorothea Brande wrote the quintessential how-to-write book,Becoming a Writer, which was among the first to address every writer's core problem: How to sit down and let the words flow. Her book, published in 1934, remains in print today. She was born in 1893 in Chicago. She worked as an editor on the Chicago Tribuneand The American Review and married the latter journal's owner. She also wrote Wake Up and Live, which was adapted into a movie in 1937. She died in 1948.

Monday, 31 August 2009

Random Paper In My Backpack

I've always wanted
to be a figment,
go to that extent,
crampin' my style.
Such a gentle spirit -
I fell like the Hendinburg.

Nevertheless -
Not speaking is a lot easier
than trying to figure out
what to say.

I'm not into the Beatles
like I used to be
But where we gonna go boys?
To the top of the most
To the top of the most

Be careful who you tell
but just be you.
God already knows
you can't pray a lie.

I want that to be
my final memory.

The rock makes ripples.

Prayer is what
gives meaning to my life.

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Quote of the Day

August 27, 2009

"You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it."
Robin Williams

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

We're Going To Be Frriends

by the White Stripes

fall is here, hear the yell
back to school, ring the bell
brand new shoes, walking blues
climb the fence, book and pens
i can tell that we are gonna be friends

walk with me, suzy lee
through the park, by the tree
we will rest upon the ground
and look at all the bugs we've found
then safely walk to school
without a sound

well here we are, no one else
we walked to school all by ourselves
there's dirt on our uniforms
from chasing all the ants and worms
we clean up and now it's time to learn

numbers, letters, learn to spell
nouns, and books, and show and tell
at playtime we will throw the ball
back to class, through the hall
teacher marks our height against the wall

and we don't notice any time pass
we don't notice anything
we sit side by side in every class
teacher thinks that i sound funny
but she likes the way you sing

tonight i'll dream while i'm in bed
when silly thoughts go through my head
about the bugs and alphabet
and when i wake tomorrow i'll bet
that you and i will walk together again
cause i can tell that we
are going to be friends

Someone thought of me when he heard that song. I'm starting to think that's way better than "Where Are You Going".
To borrow from "Blackbird" by Paul McCartney, "You were only waiting for this moment to arrive."

Sunday, 23 August 2009


Word of the Day for Sunday, August 23, 2009

reticent \RET-ih-suhnt\, adjective:

1. Inclined to keep silent; reserved; uncommunicative.
2. Restrained or reserved in style.
3. Reluctant; unwilling.

New Favorite

I think we're doing it right.

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Pink Plaid

Maybe someday,
He and I'll have on the same pair
of underwear.

Just cause he said he had them,
I should've gotten rid
of them when things
got bad
After what I did.

Pink Plaid.

As I wear them now,
All that comes to mind is
How pure he was that night,
How infatuation makes one blind,

How I was so 
To this floating
I couldn't believe what I was
So gentle from such 

Pink Plaid.

I burned the rest,
Whatever bore his name,
To lessen the obsession,
But these boxers do remain:

Banana Republic, sized Small -
He wasn't all that tall.
Bless his heart,
Bless his heart.

Pink Plaid.

For a change,
I could wear them
In the company of a man,
To give them new meaning,

But that's a
fundamentally flawed plan,
And to the
Unbeknownst new one

These boxers are mine,
they bring to mind
doesn't matter.

Oh, my heart did plummet,
but from the ashe of hurt
I arose.
Those ashes I did scatter, 
But still there's 
hidden under my skirt.
No one knows
the bond
We had.

Pink Plaid.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

August II

I was wrong about August - it does have an event! Not a holiday per se...
But the Perseid meteor shower happens every year during the second week of August. It was cloudy both last year and this year, so I didn't see . It would've been neat to be at my dad's house in Suwannee for it, it's so remote, very little light pollution. Maybe next year. It was supposedly last night, when Earth passed through the dust of the Tuttle-something Comet. I drove out to a cow pasture to try to see some of it around midnight. Saw nothing after ten minutes. What a rip off!! Howevah, tonight when I got home from the Dave Matthews Band show in Tampa, I saw two big bright ones about three minutes apart!!

I love Bob Dylan's song Shooting Star:
Saw a shooting star tonight, and I thought of you
You were trying to break into another world, a world I never knew
I always kind of wondered if you ever made it through
I seen a shooting start tonight, and I thought of you

Once, at my dad's place on the Nature Coast (middle of nowhere), I saw one that fell bright down toward the water and seemed to hit and flash orange and quickly extinguish. Or, maybe I dreamed it. But I'm pretty sure it really happened. Stuff like that, that seems so impossibly neat, makes me second guess myself. Even that oh-so-brief moment, when you're staring up into heaven, and the streaking light catches your eye and just as quickly is gone. Did I really see it?

August is almost half over. It'll burn bright for a moment, captivate me, and then be gone.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Safe Driver

So my radio has been out of my car since the USA Rugby Collegiate Championships down in Sanford. Whenever that was. One night, some guy referees and me went out to try to see a movie and were listening to U2 and it was all good. Then, for whatever reason, the radio just stopped, so I had silence on the way home.

That's been a while. Maybe 4-5 months.

So what do I do? I drive around with my laptop playing my iTunes. Awful, yes I know. But no worse than putting on make-up. Actually I think listening to my iTunes is more profitable and a more worthwhile risk than painting my face.

I hope I don't wreck while I drive with my left knee and hit the gas and brakes with my right foot. I already broke a tail light sending a text to my friend Rick! Not that it's his fault, but I was leaving work, parked in a lot I don't usually use, and this stinking mailbox jumped out and hit me!! Of all the nerve...

Don't hate. I need music. My battery in my Apple laptop is pretty good so it usually gets me from A to B, and I have good playlists so I don't have to skip around so much. Not that I don't...

So I'm driving to Atlanta this weekend for some rugby referee classroom stuff - with no radio! The computer can't go forever! I did buy a radio but haven't installed it yet. Ugh, procrastination.

Monday, 3 August 2009

I am Berger

I'm sorry. I can't. Don't hate me.

Word of the Day for Monday, August 3, 2009

desultory \DES-uhl-tor-ee\, adjective:

1. Jumping or passing from one thing or subject to another without order or rational connection; disconnected; aimless.
2. By the way; as a digression; not connected with the subject.
3. Coming disconnectedly or occurring haphazardly; random.
4. Disappointing in performance or progress.

Friday, 31 July 2009

Behind the Dish

There is terror looming in my heart. But this is the safest, most sincere teammate I've ever chosen to try to play this game with me. A game so pure, it has been compared to baseball.

It could be what it isn't yet.

But for today, I'm not afraid of it coming to be or not be.

And I will be.
Whether we both leave the game
with lower batting averages and ERAs.

Our game is played with good sportsmanship,
so winning and losing doesn't matter,
and we don't even keep score.

And what's more?
I like the way he says my name.


Perpetual determination

never with a band.

I have two if I
ever need to
hold a hand.


Tuesday, 28 July 2009


Dang Summertime.
So many
We're raised
to see and feel
like a big, extended
So many
officially special days.
And then...

No holidays in
All you feel in
is the dread
of the cold
that follows

So you burn
as bright as the
Make summer last.
Make it last beyond

Saturday, 25 July 2009


It was bound to happen
There's one in every crowd
I can only take so much
Before the volume gets too loud

I know the rules and break them
Just because it can be done
As if this time it's somehow different
and the wake is worth the fun

I toy with the fire
As if it can be managed
Don't expect a scar
or any need for a bandage

But this will go away
Add it to my list
Get me back alone again
Don't even bother,
I insist.

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Word of the Day for Thursday, July 2, 2009

vagary \VAY-guh-ree; vuh-GER-ee\, noun:

An extravagant, erratic, or unpredictable notion, action, or occurrence.

"Her words are a dreadful reminder that much of life's consequences are resultant of vagary and caprice, dictated by the tragedy of the ill-considered action, the irrevocable misstep, the irrevocable moment in which a terrible wrong can seem the only right."
-- Rosemary Mahoney, "Acts of Mercy?", New York Times, September 13, 1998

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Alexander Hamilton

"Experience is the oracle of truth; and where its responses are unequivocal, they ought to be conclusive and sacred."
Alexander Hamilton and Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 20, December 11, 1787

Friday, 26 June 2009

Three Sets

Monday, June 22

I'd like to think I'm a three-setter.

(this is a tennis analogy)

Maria Sharapova has been a three-set player since she's been back from her ten-month hiatus from the sport recovering from shoulder surgery.

She went from being unseeded at the French to seeded 24th here at Wimbledon. Her pattern in this time has been to lose the first set, and then remember that she's Maria Sharapova and starts playing like it. Then, her opponent remembers she's Maria Sharapova and gets intimidated and starts playing like it.

Then the grunts get louder.

Then come the fist pumps and the


Maybe I'm a three-setter. Life, you're about to remember that I'm Haylee Slaughter and I'm going to start playing to my ability and win the match in three.

Friday, June 26

Well, um, Maria lost in the second round to some no-name.

At least it took three sets.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009


I am bait on a hook,
hanging out to die.
To be consumed
by another,
bigger creature,
who will in turn
be consumed,
by another,
bigger creature.
The one who devours me,
alive or dead,
is doomed
For thinking I'm for real,
no strings attached,
Not counting the
each is blessed with
It's not about the fish;
It's about the worm.

Friday, 5 June 2009


The first June post! Oooooohhhhh!

Save it.

Going to Atlanta tomorrow. Riding with Gage. I love that guy so much. I hope when we're old we can still hang out and sit on the couch and watch tv and eat cereal out of the box together. I hope his wife won't mind.

Oh, life.

Look around. Are you satisfied? I'm not.

So what? Do something? Hmmm, interesting concept. You read about it in Oprah magazine all the time (in someone else's bathroom of course).

Let me start by going to sleep.

Monday, 25 May 2009


To bring into or keep in equal or satisfying proportion or harmony.
1. a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc.
18. to bring to or hold in equilibrium; poise: to balance a book on one's head.
To bring into or maintain in a state of equilibrium.
To act as an equalizing weight or force to; counterbalance.
20. to be equal or proportionate to: One side of an equation must balance the other.
v. intr.
To be in or come into equilibrium.
To be equal or equivalent.
To sway or waver as if losing or regaining equilibrium.

mental and emotional steadiness
3. mental steadiness or emotional stability; habit of calm behavior, judgment, etc.
A stable mental or psychological state; emotional stability.
23. to estimate the relative weight or importance of; compare: to balance all the probabilities of a situation.
2. Act of weighing mentally; comparison; estimate.
4. The state of being in equipoise; equilibrium; even adjustment; steadiness.
7. the power or ability to decide an outcome by throwing one's strength, influence, support, or the like, to one side or the other.
The power or means to decide.
To compare by or as if by turning over in the mind: balanced the pros and cons before making a choice.
24. to serve as a counterpoise to; counterbalance; offset: The advantages more than balance the disadvantages.
28. to waver or hesitate:
31. on balance, considering all aspects

–verb (used without object)
A state of bodily equilibrium.
27. to reckon or adjust
A state of bodily equilibrium: thrown off balance by a gust of wind.
The ability to maintain bodily equilibrium: Gymnasts must have good balance.
25. Dance. to move in rhythm to and from: to balance one's partner.
To move toward and then away from (a dance partner).

A harmonious or satisfying arrangement or proportion of parts or elements, as in a design.
8. (in winemaking) the degree to which all the attributes of a wine are in harmony, with none either too prominent or deficient.
13. Fine Arts. composition or placement of elements of design, as figures, forms, or colors, in such a manner as to produce an aesthetically pleasing or harmoniously integrated whole.
19. to arrange, adjust, or proportion the parts of symmetrically.

A state of equilibrium or parity characterized by cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces.
The difference in magnitude between opposing forces or influences, such as for bodily parts or organs.
An influence or force tending to produce equilibrium; counterpoise.
Chemistry To bring (an equation) into balance.
Chemistry Equality of mass and net electric charge of reacting species on each side of an equation.
Equality of mass and net electric charge of reacting species on each side of a chemical equation.
To adjust a chemical equation so that the number of each type of atom and the total charge on the reactant (left-hand) side of the equation matches the number and charge on the product (right-hand) side of the equation.
Mathematics To bring (an equation) into balance.
Mathematics Equality with respect to the net number of reduced symbolic quantities on each side of an equation.
Equality of totals in the debit and credit sides of an account.
The difference between such totals, either on the credit or the debit side.


bal⋅an⋅cé  [bal-uhn-sey; Fr. ba-lahn-sey]
v. bal·anced, bal·anc·ing, bal·anc·es

[Middle English balaunce, from Old French, from Vulgar Latin *bilancia, having two scale pans, from Latin bilānx : bi-, two; see dwo- in Indo-European roots + lānx, scale.]
bal'ance·a·ble adj.

Friday, 8 May 2009

Wear and Tear

8:35am, and I settle into a bag of frozen peas on my left knee (meniscus sketchy at best). When I first began refereeing, I was told to do anything I could to speed recovery - massage, acupuncture, cold tank soaks, whatever. Now I understand!

For the past three years, my body has been used to pilates. I played a little bit of rugby last summer, but refereeing, even without the contact, is more physically demanding, maybe because of the huge mental component. I do sprint workouts now, and have decided that in addition to warming up at least twenty minutes before I get into the nitty-gritty, at least twenty minutes will be alotted for icing knees and feet. Ugh, I'm finally going to a podiatrist for my bunions and plantar fasciitis. I'm due for new running shoes and am done with my worn out cleats I bought for playing last summer. Another female ref up in DC (who is really into pedicures) strongly recommended turf shoes, so I'm gonna make sure the foot doctor lets me know exactly what size to get and all that. Like Lieutenant Dan said in Forrest Gump, "Take care of your feet". I'm starting to think that my bad left knee is causing my bad right hip.

All this stuff has to be addressed if I want to go as far as they say I can. God only gave me two legs to run with, two arms to signal with, an one mouth to manage and blow a whistle with, so I need to take care of them!

I'm getting older. This is another reminder. UGH! It's still pretty neat when other refs I meet at tournaments demand to see my driver's license because they don't believe I'm almost 30. I only have one hide of skin, too, and one set of eyeballs, gotta take care of those too.

As much as we all abuse our bodies for years on end, they still function. But I really want to see how well mine can perform if I treat it the best way I can. My life is ending one minute at a time, and I'm the same decaying organic matter as everything else, but I'm gonna try to maximize what I've got and leave the rest to my Maker.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

From Women Who Run With the Wolves

p 229

A woman's life may die away in the fire of self-hatred for complexes can bite hard and, at least for a time, successfully frighten her away from coming too near the work or life that matters to her. Many years are spent in not going, not moving, not learning, not finding out, not obtaining, not taking on, not becoming.

The vision a woman has for her own life can also be decimated in the flames of someone else's jealousy or someone's plain-out destructiveness toward her. Family, mentors, teachers, and friends are not supposed to be destructive if and when they feel envy, but some decidedly are, in both subtle and not-so-subtle ways. No woman can afford to let her creative life hang by a thread while she serves an antagonistic love relationship, parent, teacher, or friend. l

When the personal soul-life is burnt to ashes, a woman loses the vital treasure and begins to act dry-boned as Death. In her unconscious, the desire for the red shoes, a wild joy, not only continues, it swells and floods, and eventually staggers to its feet and takes over, ferocious and famished.

To be in the state of hambre del alma, a starved soul, is to be made relentlessly hungry. Then a woman burns with a hunger for anything that will make her feel alive again. A woman who has been captured knows no better, and will take something, anything, that seems similar to the original treasure, good or not. A woman who is starved for her real soullife may look "cleaned up and combed" on the outside, but on the inside she is filled with dozens of pleading hands and empty mouths.

In this state, she will take any food regardless of its condition or its effect, for she is trying to make up for past losses. Yet even though this is a terrible situation, the wild Self will try over and over again to save us. It whispers, whimpers, calls, drags our fleshless carcasses around in our nightdreams until we become conscious of our condition and take steps to reclaim the treasure.

We can better understand the woman who dives into excesses - the most common being drugs, alcohol, and bad love - and who is driven by soul-hunger by noting the behaviour of the starved and ravening animal. Like the starved soul, the wolf has been portrayed as vicious, ravenous, preying upon the innocent and the unguarded, killing to kill, never knowing when enough is enough. As you can see, the wolf has a very bad and unearned fairy-tale and real-life reputation. In actuality, wolves are dedicated social creatures. The entire pack is instinctively organized so healthy wolves kill only what is needed for survival. Only when there is trauma to an individual wolf or to the pack does this normal pattern loosen or change.

There are two instances in which a wolf kills excessively. In both, the wolf is not well. A wolf may kill indiscriminately when it is ill with rabies or distemper. A wolf may kill excessively after a period of famine. The idea that famine can alter the behaviour of creatures is quite significant for soul-starved women because nine times out of ten a woman with a spiritual/psychological problem that causes her to fall in top traps and be badly hurt is a woman who is currently being or has been critically soul-starved.

Among wolves, famine occurs when snows are high and game is impossible to reach. Deer and caribou act as snowplows; wolves follow their paths through the high snow. When the deer are stranded by high snowfalls, no plowing occurs; then the wolves are stranded too. Famine ensues. For wolves the most dangerous time for famine is winter. For woman, a famine may occur at any time, and can come from anywhere, including her own culture.

For the wolf, famine usually ends in springtime when the snows begin to melt. Following a famine, the pack may throw itself into a killing frenzy. Its members won't eat most of the game they kill, and they won't cashe it. They leave it. They kill much more thaan they could ever eat, much more than they could ever need. A similar process occurs when a woman's been captured and starved. Suddenly free to go, to do, to be, she is in danger of going on a rampage of excesses too...and feels justified about it. The girl in the fairy tale, too, feel justified in gaining access to the poisonous red shoes at any cost. There is something about famine that causes judgement to be blighted.

So when the treasure of a woman's most soulful life has been burned to ashes, instead of being driven by anticipation, a woman is possessed by voraciousness. So, for instance, if a woman wasn't permitted to sculpt, she may suddenly begin to sculpt day and night, lose sleep, deprive her innocent body of nutrition, impair her health, and who knows what else. Maybe she cannot stay awake a moment longer; ah, reach for the drugs....for who knows how long she will be free.

Hambre del alma is also about starvation of the soul's attributes: creativity, sensory awareness, and other instinctual gifts. If a woman is supposed to be a lady who sits with her knees kissing only each other, if she was raised to keel over in the presence of rough language, if she was never allowed anything to drink but pasteurized milk... then when she is freed, look out! Suddenly she may not be able to drink enough of those sloe-gin fizzes, she may sprawl like a drunken sailor, and her language will peel the paint off the walls. After famine, there is a fear one will again be captured someday. So one gets while the getting is good.

Overkill through excesses, or excessive behaviors, is acted out by women who are famished for a life that has meaning and makes sense for theem. When a woman has gone without her cycles or creative needs for long periods of time, she begins a rampage of - you name it - alcohol, drugs, anger, spirituality, oppression of others, promiscuity, pregnancy, study, creation, control, education, orderliness, body fitness, junk food, to name a few areas of common excesses. When women do this, they are compensating for the loss of regular cycles of self- expression, soul-expression, soul-satiation.

The starving woman endures famine after famine. She may plan her escape, yet believe that the cost of fleeing is too high, that it will cost her too much libido, too much energy. She may be ill-prepared in other ways too, such as educationally, economically, spiritually. Unfortunately, the loss of treasure and the deep memory of famine may cause us to rationalize that excesses are desirable. And it is, of course, such a relief and a pleasure to finally be aable to enjoy sensation... any sensation.

A woman newly free from famine just wants to enjoy life for a change. Her dulled perceptions about the emotional, rational, physical, spiritual, and financial boundaries required for survival endanger her instead. For her there is a pair of poisonous red shoes glowing out there somewhere. She will take them wherever she finds them. That is the trouble with famine. If something looks like it will fill the yearning, a woman will seize it, no questions asked.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Conscious Choices

I asked someone for advice once, and she said many things but concluded the matter with, "Make Conscious Choices".

That's been rolling around in my mind for some time since, and it sort of hit me tonight. This wasn't some abstract, out there concept, something to strive for. No, it can be practiced every day. If you're passive about your life, your life passes you by.

I have trouble sleeping. Every night (tonight included!), I have the choice to go to bed on time and go through a proper ritual that is conducive to a quick drift off. I haven't been doing that. Sometimes I don't know when to stop - the vanilla yogurt I made tonight, with bananas, strawberries, lime and walnuts? I didn't have to eat the whole thing. I put it away in a smaller bowl. Reading the Bible over cereal and coffee in the morning sunlight like I used to do? I can choose to do that again rather than zone out to the news like I started doing after moved. I'd had a good habit of starting the day with an exciting, drama-filled action story from the Old Testament! Getting up tomorrow to run sprints before work because I know I need to if I want to be the best referee I can be this summer? Lord willing, it'll happen if I decide to make it happen.

Today is The Day. Everyday can be, one day at a time. I can choose that. If I really want to do right by myself, love myself, and therefore be worth a crap to my neighbor by loving them the same way, I can choose to do it.

So, just to prove a point!, I'm signing off and getting in bed. Who am I kidding? I'm going to listen to the rest of this song first.

Monday, 13 April 2009


Went to home group tonight. 4th Step, ugh. Been dreading this. Sort of did one last year, shared at a speaker meeting, felt like a 5th. But now it's really really time.

Get home, walk in, want to shower, write a little while it's still fresh, sleep. Roommate says, "hey we mopped the house." I say, "yay, thanks, it smells good." He says, "every room but yours so go ahead and use the mop water." Annoyance and resentment flashed across the inner frame of my mind. The whole, "Clean your room!" thing, ugh. My inner teenager is screaming, "You're not the boss of me!"

Shower, pout.

Get out and look at my room. I'd never really organized it when I moved in. Crap sticking out here, a couple unpacked boxes there, etc. Started sweeping, going for the corners, under the bed.

Holy crap.

My room is my life.

All this junk I haven't wanted to deal with. Got serious and determined to do it correctly. Dadgummit, it's time to clean my room and it's time to clean my life.

Stupid metaphor, pointing out how childish I am and how afraid I've been to really deal with my stuff. But the floor is shiny, winter clothes are stored away, and I'm ready to sit down and do the rest the Big Book way.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

The Song

It's a funny thing about having Artist's Disease
- my momentary obsessions view like a movie that quickly fades to black.
The credits roll and I don't recognize any of the names.
The film score is familiar,
I know every crescendo and resolution,
but it's as if I'd heard it before in a dream or with different ears.
The melody becomes more important than the message,
which simply doesn't make sense any more.
I can blame it on that song.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Queen Can Sing

You look at Queen Latifah and you don't expect for her to sing as well as she does.

Beauty comes from the least expected sources sometimes. My new roommate, Ouida, is a BRILLIANT artist. She told me about a contest she entered in high school: the objective was to draw the most beautiful thing imaginable. Of course there were butterflies and birds and blablabla. Ouida decided to draw a life-sized warthog. A warthog. It was ugly but so well done she won. The most authentic was judged to be the most beautiful.

I don't know.

I'm definitely not comparing Queen Latifah to a warthog.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Life is too short to go to bed thinking you chose the wrong ice cream flavor.

Dang it.

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Post Just to Post

I have no reason to write.
I could sit here all night.
Valentine's Day?
I have nothing to say.
No profound observation,
Just making conversation.

Did a game this morning, got a good run in. I get to see my daddy tomorrow. It's raining outside. I just cooked dinner for my roommates, they were complimentary as always.

Life in general is happening. Things are much more calm than they've been in the past.

And I'm glad.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

When Ambien and Peanut Butter Collide...

You get up and run three miles in the freezing cold.

Wednesday, 28 January 2009


My heart palpitates.
It's hard to breath.
Shoulders feel heavy.
Fight or flight response activated.

But this fountain doesn't care.
The clouds shrug and turn away.
The wind still slithers through the leaves of the trees.
Cars race past, occupied by other lives, headed to other destinations.

The worry builds up in my head,
like the lid of a boiling pot of rice.
It's going to bubble over any second.
Any second now.

Then I think:
In a week, this will be

This too shall pass.
It always works out.
God is in control.
God is in control.

My heart will keep beating.
My lungs will expand and contract.
My burden will be lifted
and I'll realize there is nothing to confront or flee from.

This fountain doesn't care.
The clouds shrug, wind blows, cars pass.

I am not the only one.
can become
Or was all along.

This too shall pass.
It always works out.
God is in control.
God is in control.

Friday, 16 January 2009

What Is All This?

What is all this? I wake up and rub my eyes and can't help but notice the floaters in the corners. Ya know, floaters, they look like amebas when you look up into the blue sky and see them run down your line of site. This eye-rubbing feels good, until I realize that I'm raising my eyebrows to really get into it, and this means I'm wrinkling my forehead. Rats. A few years ago I was sitting in a chair at the Bobby Brown counter at Saks and the girl applying my powder and lipstick said I was too young to have such pronounced wrinkles in my forehead and told me to quit raising my eyebrows. I decided to love myself enough to accept my wrinkly forehead.

Did I mention the gray hairs? I have at least two gray hairs on my head. They are short so relatively new, and I'd be willing to bet I know where they came from. I had a friend who started getting them in college and would systematically seek and destroy these tail-tale signs of aging. She had gorgeous, thick healthy hair and I thought the little gray strands here and there added character and were just beautiful. But what did I know until it started happening to me?

Yes, I am now one of those women who is disturbed by the aging process.