Thursday, 31 December 2009

Bye Bye, 2009! (Good Riddance)

It wasn't that bad. Could've been 2008!!

Just wrote and deleted two paragraphs that detailed my "love" life and career "milestones" over the past year, but thought better of sharing that stuff, haha. Don't want to incriminate myself! This Internet is a big cloud hanging over all of us, recording everything we do that will inevitably be embarrassing in some way someday. I've learned that lesson the hard way myself, and now they have Public Service Announcements warning young kids to "Think Before You Post". Very sage advise in this new age of overexposure.

The good news is I don't live in fear of myself or anyone else anymore. I have faith in a God who loves me, wonderful family and friends I'd die for, I have enough to eat, there's a roof over my head, and I'm free to express myself and pursuit my interests. Very blessed am I. Turning 30 wasn't crippling at all!

New Year's Resolution for 2010? I want it to be something concrete: get at least eight hours of sleep per night, work out every single day, pray at least five times a day for other people. Those are all good things. Starting over doesn't have to start tomorrow, though, it can be NOW, whenever that is.

1 comment:

...In The China said...

I especially like this one. Starting over NOW is sort of my specialty, but most people wait "'til Monday" you know? That has always bugged me. If it's a good idea right now, then why not start it right now?
People like to try that "well it will still be a good idea on Monday" BS, but I'll have none of it thank you!