Sunday, 16 May 2010


It's something I'm putting emphasis on lately. WHY?

When it was still cold, a friend (Gage) called me out about my track pants and huge men's training sneakers (that "even (he) wouldn't wear") and ar-teest Unplugged In New York sweater and challenged me to do at least one feminine thing a day. Don't become "one of those!", he warned. And I knew he was right - I could've taken it personally in a negative way, but knew he had a good point. If it wasn't worth the effort, he wouldn't have suggested it.


It's strange, as a woman, to be asked to justify my choice of attire, because dressing nicely with mascara and hair down really is a huge departure from my usually indifference. There must be some agenda! No, I just want to look nice. Hopefully I've never been some poster child for women who refuse to be attractive because wearing make-up is selling out.


And you dudes out there who say they love women who wear their hair back in sweatpants and wife beaters, God bless you. See you when the weather bans skirts again.

1 comment:

...In The China said...

This kills me! I swear I'm going to have to re-introduce you to my brother just to prove why. I can't stand pretense, or over-planning but I'm a romantic. The feminine form, mystique, and guiles are not lost on me. I am a fan of all of the above, but how do you know when something is really special anymore? I only question my indifference to these things when someone I respect points it out, (a trend for the last couple of years.) Most recently something like: "How do you expect to be taken seriously if you're always dressed like you're going to work out?"
It's not that I don't know how to dress, it's damned expensive! If I wasted all my time and resources trying to look pretty for the ladies I'd be broke!
To put it bluntly, I don't often smell bad, but if someone sticks around because I always smell like Dolce and Gabana, we've got problems. Lol
Thanks for putting a smile on my face!