A most delightfully lazy day. Just sayin. Have a nice (real!) fire going in the fireplace, the Gators won the Gator Bowl, right now watching Ulster v Munster to study up on 15's. Hungry though, I see ramen noodles in my future.
2011 began with an emotional sprint and saw an 8.5-year streak go down. Then I got hit in the gut in July when Shumway died, and my collective heart-and-mind were wrenched out and run over on the highway. (This is him with my sister and me on New Year's Eve last year... sigh.)
Rugby was good to me all year, and I was good to it.
I am determined and newly inspired to learn to speak Spanish as I've discovered the music and voice of Alejandro Sanz, and I'm desperate to discover the lyrics.
Will I finish my own album in 2012? I'm having my doubts! Gotta be positive though. About everything, especially myself.
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