Sunday 28 October 2007


I'd forgotten how good it felt to write a song. Welll, it's only 75% done. It needs one more verse, but MAN, to get the chorus just right, the guitar hook, a clever verse with a nifty rhyme scheme - MAN! :) It doesn't get much better than that. I was sitting around after work Friday night and wrote two verses and a chorus about the moment you realize whatever it is you realize. I use a 7th chord to express irony. HA! Music is so cooll.

There've been songs that took me years to finish. Some came out complete in minutes - a pure gift. The best is when you've been struggling to make sense of something, you can't even explain it to yourself, and then it happens. You get it all right in a verse or two and tie it alll together. aaahhhhhhhh.

God is good to me. I like this talent. It's when I get out of His way and get out of my own way and let things happen that He really works through me, and that's a neat feeling.

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