Sunday 17 June 2007

Dad Quotes

Me: That's an awfully big carcass. (Daddy was cleaning a redfish)
Dad: Yessss, yes it is. (he threw it to the pelicans)
Me (watching it sink): They're too chicken to go get it.
Dad: Yessss (as he picks up the hose to rinse off the table). Look out, Love Affair.

Mom: I just saw (boy who broke my heart), gosh he got skinny!
Dad: Must be the crack.

Me: Daddy, I kinda have a big crush on (current flame that won't go out).
Dad: You're probably not by yourself on that, ya know.

Dad (on the top rung of the ladder last Thanksgiving, attempting to rescue the cat who'd been up in a neighborhood pine tree for two days): Kitty Sue, please come to Daddy! Kitty Sue I know you can do it!

Mom: Missy's dragging her butt on the carpet. I need to take her to the vet to have her anal gland expressed.
Dad: I refuse to believe that God would design an animal that couldn't take care of its own anal gland.

Dad (to Xena our Hemingway cat): How bout me and you and some love? Please don't push me away, I just wanna love ya. Haylee you see me and dis girl right here? Oh my word, her lil motor is runnin' about 5700 rpms, yes sir. Okay, dats it! Dat's all you're gettin'!

Dad: I need to give y'all a lesson on leavin' these doors open. You only have to have the width of a cat.

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